Solicitation of Prostitute Prostitution Charge/"Offer to Engage" A Prostitute Charge in Detroit Who Was A Cop Need Lawyer

Home » Legal Questions » Solicitation of Prostitute Prostitution Charge/"Offer to Engage" A Prostitute Charge in Detroit Who Was A Cop Need Lawyer

need an attorney for fight bullshit charge in Detroit…i was leaving club with friends and messing around with girl we see outside and it was cop who arrested me of solicitation prostitute tickets says ‘offer to engage’ saying I try to get her to have sex with me for money… They take my car and made me buy back now i have to go to court i want to fight because i did nothing wrong but i know police will lie what can you do to help me…


  1. paul on May 9, 2009 at 12:53 pm said:

    Thank you for visiting http://WWW.ALLLEGALMATTERS.COM Jose. Criminal charges in Detroit are tough to deal with from a client’s perspective because the police, the court system and staff, and the entire criminal justice process is so inefficient and unfriendly at 36th District Court it almost feels like there is nothing you can do. Thankfully Canu Torrice Law can help, as we have helped hundreds of other clients with misdemeanor and felony charges in Detroit.

    Canu Torrice Law is very familiar with the questionable police practices in the City of Detroit, trust me, and this criminal misdemeanor charge of Offer to Engage Another for the Act of Prostitution is one of the most common type of cases we have successfully defended against and often had DISMISSED in the 36th Judicial District Court in Detroit.

    The “Offer to Engage” (“OTE” as they call it in the court) or Solicitation charge you are facing in Detroit is undoubtedly bogus. Most of the time the undercover female Detroit police officers lie and allege you made them an offer to engage them in a sex act in exchange for money, but they conveniently never have a tape recording or other evidence preserved to support this charge, so now it’s your word against the cop. The city uses this Solicitation OTE scam as a money making opportunity by using the forfeiture laws to force you to pay big money to get you car back. Several years ago the City Attorney would plea bargain all these cases under advisement (“PUA” they used to call it) where after a few months the case would be dismissed as long as you paid all your money, of course, and had no new criminal charges in that time. Now they refuse to take these types of “sex crime” or “morality” cases under advisement (funny how anyone in Detroit politics has the nerve to use the term “mortality” or take a stand on what they think is immoral conduct).

    The good news is that the attorneys at Canu Torrice Law have developed a proven strategy for cases like this that has resulted in countless cases against our clients being dismissed over the past several years. At one point in time I had 18 consecutive cases all dismissed in Detroit because of a proven litigation strategy that I have developed there over the years, especially in these types of cases.

    Unfortunately, you are stuck in the worst court system in the State of Michigan, so you can expect a lot of court appearances and waiting around half the day just for a Judge to take the bench there, but that’s where we come in. I assure you I can make this experience much more tolerable, and speed up the process to move your case along, but you have to get Canu Torrice Law involved immediately. I worked down at 36th District Court in Detroit for a few years early in my legal career, and have significant contacts in that court system. Most importantly, I know how to use the dysfunctions of that court system for your advantage.

    Although the OTE Solicitation charge you are facing is a city ordinance, it has some serious consequences including mandatory jail time, so it is important you do not let the Detroit court system take advantage of you.

    Contact http://WWW.ALLLEGALMATTERS.COM or call Canu Torrice Law to schedule a free consultation IMMEDIATELY so we can get going on your case right away. There is nothing we like better than walking out of the courthouse there with yet another dismissal under our belt.

    Canu Torrice Law
    (586) 285-1700

  2. Eric C on May 15, 2009 at 12:50 am said:

    This is the best blog question I have ever seen in my life I am LMAO right now…you guys are awesome!!!

  3. Humpy on May 28, 2009 at 9:12 pm said:

    I am here to say thank you to attorney attorney Peter Torrice at Canu Torrice Law, it took a few months of hard work by the boys but my case was finally dismissed and now I am not stuck in that ghetto ass 36th District Court on probation for this bullshit Offer to Engage charge…and the best part is my wife never found out about anything because they had all my mail re-directed, and now my charges are dismissed!!! A drunk night at The Collesium – $500.00, asking some slut on 8 Mile for a BJ while stuck at a red light – $2,500.00+, having all charges dismissed with no probation, and my wife not finding out about anything… absolutely priceless!!! Worth every cent and 100% more. Canu Torrice Law are the best attorneys ever!!! Thanks guys.

  4. Tiger's Fan on June 11, 2009 at 11:32 am said:

    The attorneys at saved my marriage and my life!!!

    I was acting drunk and stupid, walked up to a girl who turned out to be an undercover cop – which I should have known bc she looked halfway decent looking – but anyway, it was my fault and I thought I was screwed.

    The Detroit Police raped me for $900 to get my car back, but these attorneys took care of the rest . . . not having my wife find out about this screw up and not having this sex crime charge on my record was worth every penny I paid these lawyers. These guys earned their money though, especially since the judges down at 36th district court dont show up until like 11 am . . . must be nice.

    Peter Torrice is a great attorney and knew that court inside and out. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND these attorneys at Canu Torrice Law to anyone who has a problem like this, you will not be sorry!!!

    – Life client

    Thanks guys!

  5. paul on June 11, 2009 at 2:30 pm said:

    On behalf of all the attorneys at Canu Torrice Law, thank you all for the positive feedback on this blog question, and the ovewhelming amount of phone calls we have received. This issue has got a lot of attention at our office over the past couple months now that the warmer weather is here because the Detroit Police are out in full force again.

    The charge of Offer to Engage the Services of Another or Soliciation for an Act of Protitution under Detroit City Ordinance carries extremely serious consequences, including 45 days of MANDATORY jail time in the lovely Wayne County Jail system. The relevant city ordinance reads as follows:

    Sec. 38-9-5. Engage or offer to engage services of another; aid, assist or abet; penalties.

    (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage, or offer to engage, the services of another person for any act of prostitution.

    (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to aid, assist or abet another to commit any act prohibited by subsection (a) of this section including, but not limited to, aiding, assisting or abetting by receiving or admitting or offering to receive or admit any person into any public place, or any other place, for any purpose prohibited by subsection (a) of this section, or to knowingly permit any person to remain in any such place for any such purpose.

    (c) Upon conviction for violation of this section, the court shall:

    (1) Sentence the defendant to a term of imprisonment for a minimum term of forty-five (45) days and a maximum term of ninety (90) days; and
    (2) Impose a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00).
    (Ord. No. 14-03 § 1, 6-20-03)

    There are also conditions of bond that the 36th District Court Judges often impose on defendants charged with this offense, such as the attendence of an AIDS Awareness Class, and other types of programs or classes.

    This is why anyone who is charged with this offense MUST have proper legal representation by a Michigan criminal defense attorney at Canu Torrice Law who is familiar with the 36th Judicial District Court in Detroit, and the city attorneys who prosecute these cases. This is one of the many areas of practice that should NOT just be trusted to any random Michigan criminal defense attorney you know who claims that he or she handles these types of cases in that court. If your attorney doesn’t know what they are doing in the 36th District Court on an Offer to Engage/Solicitation charge, you will serving 45 days of mandatory jail if convicted, in addition to other penalties.

    I personally worked in the 36th District Court for several years, first as an intern and then as an employee of a research facility out of Washington D.C. that was studying a 36th District Court sponsored program, which is part of the reason why the attorneys at Canu Torrice Law are so proficient in handling these types of cases – we know the system. It is also why my law firm is so successful in implementing a defense strategy for your case that will not only keep you out of jail, but also prevent such an embarassing charge from being placed on your criminal record. Equally important to many male defendants is preventing their wife or significant other from finding out about the case, for obvious reasons.

    If you have been charged with an Offer to Engage or Solicitation type charge in the City of Detroit and are facing a case in the 36th Judicial District Court, you need to call the attorneys at Canu Torrice Law immediately at (586) 285-1700.

    Thank you for your support of the blog, and your appreciated positive feedback.

    Canu Torrice Law
    (586) 285-1700

  6. Larry on June 11, 2009 at 11:28 pm said:

    I can’t believe that an offer to engage charge in Detroit carries a mandatory 45 days in Jail. Is there a way to get around this? I can’t do 45 days in Jail for this charge. I also don’t want anyone to find out about this because the “girl” I tried to engage with was really a transsexual and I didn’t find out until “she” got in the car and I felt “her” down there. That’s when the cops rolled up. I think they have it all on video. They were laughing at me all the way to the station.

  7. Andrew on June 29, 2009 at 9:18 pm said:

    Larry :

    I can’t believe that an offer to engage charge in Detroit carries a mandatory 45 days in Jail. Is there a way to get around this? I can’t do 45 days in Jail for this charge. I also don’t want anyone to find out about this because the “girl” I tried to engage with was really a transsexual and I didn’t find out until “she” got in the car and I felt “her” down there. That’s when the cops rolled up. I think they have it all on video. They were laughing at me all the way to the station.

    Please read the posts above. Every case is unique and depends upon the facts of the case, but frequently the Offer to Engage charge cases in Detroit are ones that neither the police nor the prosecutors want to go to trial on against a good criminal defense attorney, as the clients of Canu Torrice Law know.

    Larry :

    I can’t believe that an offer to engage charge in Detroit carries a mandatory 45 days in Jail. Is there a way to get around this? I can’t do 45 days in Jail for this charge. I also don’t want anyone to find out about this because the “girl” I tried to engage with was really a transsexual and I didn’t find out until “she” got in the car and I felt “her” down there. That’s when the cops rolled up. I think they have it all on video. They were laughing at me all the way to the station.

    The facts in each case ae unique and it is impossible to advise you whether the Michigan criminal defense lawyers at Canu Torrice Law can “get around” your charge until we meet with you for a free consultation. Every case is different, but the Offer to Engage/Solicitation charges out of Detroit are frequently subject to a variety of defense strategies that we employ on behalf of our clients. The best advice is to call (586) 285-1700 for a free consultation today, and meet with me or another one of the attorneys at Canu Torrice Law to discuss your case further. As you can see, this is a very serious charge with the mandatory minimum jail time required by city ordinance, so do not delay.

    Andrew Canu
    Canu Torrice Law
    (586) 285-1700

  8. Trevor on July 4, 2009 at 1:23 pm said:

    I got a Offer to Engage for Sex Act With Prostitute charge and a Possession of narcotics/drugs charge in Detroit last week but it wasn’t an undercover cop it was a real girl. we were in a hotel room in Detroit and this girl was there we were using coke together and were not having sex yet or anyhtng but detroit police came into room and busted us. Is that the same charge as everyone else is talking about here? I know the coke charge is a felony but I am more afraid of doing jail time on the offer to have sex with a prostitute charge now.

  9. paul on July 4, 2009 at 1:47 pm said:

    Trevor :

    I got a Offer to Engage for Sex Act With Prostitute charge and a Possession of narcotics/drugs charge in Detroit last week but it wasn’t an undercover cop it was a real girl. we were in a hotel room in Detroit and this girl was there we were using coke together and were not having sex yet or anyhtng but detroit police came into room and busted us. Is that the same charge as everyone else is talking about here? I know the coke charge is a felony but I am more afraid of doing jail time on the offer to have sex with a prostitute charge now.

    Yes, it is the same. Again, under the plain language of the Detroit City Ordinance for Offering to Engage a Prostitute for Sex or Receiving and Admitting Another for an Act of Prostitution, it says, in relevant part:

    Sec. 38-9-5. Engage or offer to engage services of another; aid, assist or abet; penalties.

    (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage, or offer to engage, the services of another person for any act of prostitution.

    (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to aid, assist or abet another to commit any act prohibited by subsection (a) of this section including, but not limited to, aiding, assisting or abetting by receiving or admitting or offering to receive or admit any person into any public place, or any other place, for any purpose prohibited by subsection (a) of this section, or to knowingly permit any person to remain in any such place for any such purpose.

    The law doesn’t distinguish between undercover Detroit Police posing as prostitutes or actual prostitutes, and it covers a “public place” or “any other place.”

    What happened to you is also fairly common in Detroit, especially with known prostitutes or prostitutes who are being watched by Detroit Police. There are expectation of privacy and search warrant issues associated with your case though that need to be IMMEDIATELY explored through discovery by one of the criminal defense attoneys at Canu Torrice Law. In a strange way having a felony coupled with your Solicitation or Offer to Engage charge is helpful because at least there should be a Police Report generated with the felony case. Many times with Solicitation charges there is very little in the way of formal “discovery.”

    Although the felony will be handled seperately by the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, and the Misdemeanor Solicitation or Offer to Engage charge will be handled by the Detroit City Attorney’s Office, because both charges arise from the same incident there should be overlapping discovery we can subpoena from the State Prosecutor’s office. Most of the time with “U” tickets like on an Offer to Engage / Solictation of a Prostitute charge in Detroit (they call them “U” tickets in Detroit because if you look at the top of a Solicitation ticket you may have been issued, the case number begins with the letter “U” – meaning it is a Detroit City Ordinance charge) there is no written police report except the U ticket itself, which is all the more reason to hire an experienced attorney from Canu Torrice Law immediately after being charged with this crime.

    In your case, because there is a related four (4) felonly for Possession of Cocaine (under 25 grams I assume?), you must act quickly because a Preliminary Examination must occur within 14 days from the date of your arraignment, so there is no time to waste!

    Even though it is a holiday weekend, the attorneys at Canu Torrice Law are on call 24 hours a day/7 days a week at (586) 285-1700 to help you with your legal issues.

    Thank you for visiting the blog and do not delay in contacting us immediately.

    Canu Torrice Law
    (586) 285-1700

  10. Prince Mayhem on July 29, 2009 at 11:22 pm said:

    My buddy just got a solicitation charge in Detroit for asking some prostitute to blow him who turned out to be a cop but didn’t even offer to pay her money or anything he was just like hey bitch why don’t you suck me and then the cops swarmed and took his car and left him in the middle of the ghetto with no ride. These Detroit cops are crazy. Im going to tell my boy to call you guys sounds like you can help.

  11. Hey guys I got my case dismissed last week by Canu Torrice Law attorneys when the cop didn’t show to court! Add me to the testimonial that these are the BEST attorneys for criminal cases in Detroit. My attorney worked the system, knew everyone in the court, and after it was all said and done my case was kicked out of court and I went home!

    Took a few trips to ghetto 36th district court but it was worth it, case dismissed for my Offer to Engage a Prostitute/Solicitation Charge in Detroit, and I will never go back to that city.

    Thank you Canu Torrice Law and Peter Torrice!!!! Need a good lawyer for a charge in Detroit, call Peter, trust me.
    Go to and look no further. This is my testimonial and I am a client.

  12. Thankful! on October 5, 2009 at 11:32 pm said:

    Let me add that my case just got dismissed for my offer to engage for prostitution act of solicitation charge in detroit because my attorney Peter Torrice knew what he was doing and worked the case for me. No probation, no jail, no fines. I walked out of court on this charge after offering an undercover cop to do a sex act with no conviction of any kind, no jail, and no worries! Thanks and the attorneys at Canu Torrice Law for hooking me up with a great result from a bad situation. So glad I found you guys!


  13. Count me in, I found these guys on google, and attorney Peter Torrice got my Offer to Engage Prostitution Solicitation case in Detroit dismissed after a few trips to court. I’m done and will never make this mistake again.

    Thanks Peter for helping me out, and making this prosititution case dissappear. Of all the money I spent in this bad experience, this was the best money spent of all because I felt confident and protected with Peter Torrice by my side.

    Prostitute case dismissed in Detroit, and I am more than happy!

  14. Peter A. Torrice on October 26, 2009 at 11:51 pm said:

    Thanks Jake. Not every case results in a dismissal, but the strategy we have developed at Canu Torrice Law to defend against these Offer to Engage Another for Act of Prosittution / Solicitation of a Protitute cases in Detroit have definately proven effective. I am glad we were able to help you. Thanks for the post and the confidence in Canu Torrice Law. We are Michigan’s best attorneys.

    Canu Torrice Law
    (586) 285-1700

  15. GetsUsome on March 9, 2010 at 10:30 pm said:

    Seriously Canu Torrice Law’s attorneys Peter Torrice and Peter Torrice are unbelievable Michigan criminal defense attorneys for these Offer to Engage charges in Detroit let me tell you. Do NOT even think about going to this bullshit ghetto ass inner city 36th district court without one of these Canu Torrice Law attorneys, especially if you white and are from the suburbs like me.

    Sure I may have f’d up and did stupid shit to get me in this mess with an Offer to Enagage Prostitute case with an undercover Detroit cop but at least I ended out on top. All I know is I went to 36th district court 5 times over the past year with my lawyers for this offer to engage a prostitute charge in Detroit and when the cop was relentless in showing up to court and LYING LIKE A BITCH about what really happened because the whole city of Detroit is corrupt just like their criminal mayor and a bunch of lying pigs, and we has no choice but to plea or go to trial, my lawyer from Canu Torrice Law still got my case dismissed with only a $250 fine and NOTHING on my record with no trial at all. Deal of the century. The Judge was so pissed about the plea deal my lawyers worked out on this case and was about to get all tough on me at sentencing for some reason, probably because I was white, and before I knew it the prosecutor got up and started defending me with my own lawyer!!! No lie. My attorney and the prosecutor were obviously friends, and I was never happier to spend the money on a good lawyer who was connected in that ghetto ass Detroit court than that moment right there. That Judge did exactly what they wanted and today I have no record, no probation and never did a day in jail. Thats what Im sayin.

    Look, if you have a case in ghetto ass Detroit and feel like you are about to get screwed, its because you will get screwed unless you get Canu Torrice Law attorneys to help you out. Think im playin’? I dare you to find out the hard way. 45 days madatory jail for some bs offer to engage crime for prostitute solictation. My attorneys showed that Judge what was up in a hurry, for real. Bitches.

  16. Peter A. Torrice on April 6, 2010 at 9:54 pm said:

    GetsUsome :

    Seriously Canu Torrice Law’s attorneys Peter Torrice and Peter Torrice are unbelievable Michigan criminal defense attorneys for these Offer to Engage charges in Detroit let me tell you. Do NOT even think about going to this bullshit ghetto ass inner city 36th district court without one of these Canu Torrice Law attorneys, especially if you white and are from the suburbs like me.

    Sure I may have f’d up and did stupid shit to get me in this mess with an Offer to Enagage Prostitute case with an undercover Detroit cop but at least I ended out on top. All I know is I went to 36th district court 5 times over the past year with my lawyers for this offer to engage a prostitute charge in Detroit and when the cop was relentless in showing up to court and LYING LIKE A BITCH about what really happened because the whole city of Detroit is corrupt just like their criminal mayor and a bunch of lying pigs, and we has no choice but to plea or go to trial, my lawyer from Canu Torrice Law still got my case dismissed with only a $250 fine and NOTHING on my record with no trial at all. Deal of the century. The Judge was so pissed about the plea deal my lawyers worked out on this case and was about to get all tough on me at sentencing for some reason, probably because I was white, and before I knew it the prosecutor got up and started defending me with my own lawyer!!! No lie. My attorney and the prosecutor were obviously friends, and I was never happier to spend the money on a good lawyer who was connected in that ghetto ass Detroit court than that moment right there. That Judge did exactly what they wanted and today I have no record, no probation and never did a day in jail. Thats what Im sayin.

    Look, if you have a case in ghetto ass Detroit and feel like you are about to get screwed, its because you will get screwed unless you get Canu Torrice Law attorneys to help you out. Think im playin’? I dare you to find out the hard way. 45 days madatory jail for some bs offer to engage crime for prostitute solictation. My attorneys showed that Judge what was up in a hurry, for real. Bitches.

    You know, I love enthusiastic clients who get as pumped about a dismissal as we do, so thank you. The lawyers at my law firm text each other on BlackBerry Messenger all day long about the many successful cases we handle in court because we love winning as much as you do. Maybe it’s because the Michigan criminal defense team at Canu Torrice Law are a group of relatively young, super aggressive, hungry defense lawyers who like sticking it back to the system a little (kinda like the criminal justice system sticks it to people everyday), or maybe it is because we are work-a-holics who LOVE the practice of law so much, but whatever it is – it’s working for us, so I am glad it’s working for you. I am happy we could help.

    I am happy to say that in the past week we have had 2 more successful dismissals of Offer to Engage charges at 36th District Court in Detroit – no probation, no fines, no criminal record and NO JAIL for our clients. That’s goal for every OTE case in Detroit, and that’s our promise to you – we will fight for a dismissal of your case no matter how long it takes – which is why we usually get dismissals. We go the extra mile and a half where other Michigan attorneys and law firms stop short to close their file.

    Thank you for your confidence in Canu Torrice Law. I honestly believe we are Michigan’s best attorneys.

    Canu Torrice Law/Canu Torrice Law
    (586) 285-1700

  17. just came in door from detroit with my lawyer Peter who got my case dismissed for this solicitation of a prostitute charge and wanted to say thanks. We waited down their all day today judge never showed up till almost 1130am but it was worth the wait because my case was dismissed now i have no record and dont have to go to jail. thanks paul youre a great attorney man

  18. My attorney was Peter and he got my case dismissed for offer to enagage a prostitute who was a wayne co sheriff in Detroit that posed like a prostitute but lied and said i asked for a blow job for $20 when all i did was say whats up ho! Bullshit charge is right I was scared to death to go to jail for 45 days because of some Detroit corrupt scam like these cases to take a G from me to get my car back but i will say this much the money I paid the attorneys was worth not freaking out because Peter made be feel so confident and held himself so well in court I felt like I had the best attorney in the room and my case got dismissed after going to court a few times. Thanks for the help! Oh yeah and to this cop cunt FUCK YOU bitch. Suck my dick now for free!

  19. Zerg on May 13, 2011 at 12:53 am said:

    Never needed no attorney before my case for offer engage a prostitute I always stayed out of trouble so i was scared and talked to some attorneys before I met attorneys Peter and Peter. know this much everything attorney Peter told me was gooing happened did just like he said so and he was honest and made me confident every time we walked in court together. He met me every morning walked me to the court knew everyone there and most important told me the truth about my case and helped me out of a big jam and I got out of this with no problems at all no jail most important and no record. One day the whole city of Detroit and all the stuff that happens there will be shown to people on the news or some problem solvers show or something because what they do with this prostitution solicitation charge is a scam for offer to engage cases by taking your car impound fees and lying police who will lie and dont care if you go to jail. If i didnt find you guys i probably would have been even more taking advantage of in that Detroit court at 36th avenue but thanks for helping in this bad situation anyway because without you attorneys to help me with this i wolld have probably had went to jail or something. Im glad I found you and will recommend to anyone who get caught with a problem thanks so much

  20. MCItalia on May 17, 2011 at 4:35 pm said:

    I am a 2nd year law student and I have a procedural and legal question. How can the City of Detroit or Wayne County they take an accused defendant’s car or vehicle as a “seizure” or “forfeiture” on a prostution charge, whether there is strong evidence that defendant made any “offer” engage the cop or prostitute for sex or not? I thought that you were innocent until proven guilty, and doesn’t this violate a defendant’s due process rights? Seems like these offer to engage cases for prostitution is just a money making scheme for an already notoriously corrupt city/county in Michigan.


  21. Peter A. Torrice on May 17, 2011 at 5:00 pm said:

    Great question. Here is your first lesson in the real life practice of criminal defense law, especially in Detroit. It is BOTH legal and a scam.

    Prostitution charges like the “offer to engage” citations that we a Canu Torrice Law frequently defend in Detroit, as well as other narcotics and drug related crimes, are by far the biggest money making operations for the City of Detroit and the Wane County Sherriff’s Department. These “vice” or “morality” unit crimes usually results in the seizure of the defendant’s car or vehicle under the “forfeiture” laws, which is a CIVIL proceeding, and therefore separate from the CRIMINAL aspect of the prostitution charge.

    Accordingly, this an entirely separate case (a civil lawsuit essentially) which to defend against requires you to retain an experienced civil litigation attorney who is also well versed in criminal law, and therefore it can be quite expensive. The truth is that after paying a $900 “settlement” to the City of Detroit/Wayne County, plus the $200+ towing and impoundment charges at the tow yard, this is still much cheaper than the cost of hiring an attorney to defend against the forfeiture case, so most defendants just pay the money to get their car back after being charges with a prostitution/offer to engage offense, (not to mention that most people do not just have an extra car lying around, so they cannot afford to be without the use of their vehicle for an extended period of time while the case is litigated). Also, if you do decide to contest the forfeiture proceeding, the prosecutor’s office and the court will often require you to post a “bond” while the civil forfeiture case is pending, meaning even more money out of pocket. Finally, forfeiture cases are difficult to defend against because the people’s burden of proof in the civil forfeiture of a vehicle for a prostitution or drug charge is merely a “preponderance of the evidence” rather than “beyond a reasonable doubt” as it would be in the criminal portion of the prostitution/offer to engage case. See how it’s legal now? See how it’s also a scam?

    The bottom line is that there is more money to be made in the civil forfeiture aspect of these prostitution and drug crime cases than the criminal cases themselves, as the most you usually receive in fines and costs at 36th District Court is $500.00, and for most of our clients at Canu Torrice Law this fine is MUCH lower (today my client only had to pay a $150.00 fine with no probation and walked out the door after I negotiated a successful and sweet plea deal on his behalf). That is why the forfeiture aspect of a prostitution offer to engage charge in Detroit is so important to the City of Detroit and Wayne County – they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars on a good night for these types of criminal charges.

    If you would like to discuss these issues in further detail feel free to contact my law firm schedule a free consultation.

    Canu Torrice Law
    (586) 285-1700

  22. Gone on July 6, 2011 at 4:27 pm said:

    My ote case was dismissed 2 week ago in detroit by attorney Peter Torrice who did everything he said he would do. i just lit the girls cigarette and they said i tried to solicit a prostitute and keep my ass in jail for 45 days. now i am moving out of this state for a new job with no record to worry about thanks to him. paul zalewski is the man. thanks paul.

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