Canadian caught Consuming Alcohol and Urinating in Public Misdemeanor charges Downtown Detroit Need Lawyer

Home » Legal Questions » Canadian caught Consuming Alcohol and Urinating in Public Misdemeanor charges Downtown Detroit Need Lawyer

ON Thurs Wednesday night (before thanksgiving) @ 1:55 am I was walking down an alley in downtown Detroit, aprrox. 1 block from greek town casino. This alley is right beside the Detroit Police Dept HQ. Parking lot.  It was a very Rainy night as well.

A police car rolled up behind me, and the female passenger asked me “what are you doing”

I didn’t answer, or just said, “going to greektown”.

She then asked “give me your ID”

I gave her my ID.

She then asked, “What’s that in your coat?”

So I handed her a beer that was in the inside pocket of my coat.

We had NO verbal conversation, whatsoever, other then that. (Should I have been informed I was under arrest?)

She wrote me out 2 tickets and then dumped the 1/2 beer out in the alley, she then attempted to give me back the empty bottle, but I declined the empty bottle and walked away. I believe I said “I don’t need that”.

Upon reviewing the tickets, I was given 1 ticket for urinating in public view. However, I do not believe that I was urinating as I was somewhat behind a dumpster, but I really don’t think I was actually urinating.  I believe I was walking and i stopped when she asked me “what  are you doing?”. It was very rainy, so I don’t know how they could have viewed me urinating from behind a dumpster.

My 2nd ticket was for CONSUMING alcohol in public view, however, I was not consuming the alcohol. It was in my inside pocket, and the officer asked me “what’s in your coat?”.

So if she asked for the beer, out of my pocket, then I couldn’t have been consuming it.

I have no criminal record, at all. I’m in my 30’s.

How can I get out of this with no record?  (expunged/deleted/like it never happened)

Over here in Ontario, this is just a ticket.

I know some people will pay a fine & go to a class what is that usually about? How many Classes?

Lastly, how or when would this actually “HIT” my record.


  1. Peter A. Torrice on December 27, 2010 at 3:55 pm said:

    In short, the criminal defense attorneys at Canu Torrice Law should have no problem keeping these criminal misdemanor charges out of Detroit for Urinating In Public and/or Consuming Alcohol in Public View/Open Intoxicants off your criminal record, if not have them dismissed completely.

    The lawyers at Canu Torrice Law have had tremendous success in the 36th Judicial District Court in Detroit over the years, and this year alone we have had DOZENS of misdemeanor criminal cases dismissed in Detroit.

    However, you need to contact the attorneys at our office for a free consultation as soon as possible so that we can discuss some further details of your case in order to fully answer your questions. Assuming you were issued the misdemeanor tickets under Detroit City Ordinance, the Consuming Alcohol in Public View ticket was likely issued under the same oridnance as possession of open intoxicants in public, so the police officer likely covered her bases. The other variable that you are not accounting for is that Detroit police frequently, well, let’s say they “remember” things differently when they are on the stand than our clients do, and it is never the case where police admit they did something wrong or wrongfully charged some defendant, so knowing this there are certain strategies this law firm employs to achieve the best results for our client.

    YOu ned to contact the law firm of Canu Torrice Law today for a free consultation, and once we are retained, we will begin immiediate representation on your case. As with all cases in Detroit (see the various blogs in this website on the Offer to Engage cases in Detroit), it is very important that we become involved from the very first court date arraigment in your criminal case.

    Canu Torrice Law
    (586) 285-1700

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