Urinating in Public in Detroit

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I was in Detroit on St. Patricks Day with some friends and was having a good time near the Greektown Area  when I had to go to the bathroom so I  urinated in an alley before we got to our car. I have been to downtown Detroit many times and have urinated many times in alleys downtown and never thought twice about it. It was so busy down there for St. Patrick’s Day that there was no where else for me to really go.  I did not know that there was a Detroit cop car on the other side of the alley who saw me urinating in public. He wrote me up for a ticket for disorderly conduct and was talking about how I could be charged with indecent exposure also so now I am really worried that I will be on a sex offender list which is the last thing I can have because I am still in college at Michigan State and will be apllying for jobs in the summer. I do not understand why I did not just get a urinating in public ticket and I am really worried about this disorderly conduct ticket  and possible indecent exposure. I can’t be on the sex offeder registry because I want to be a school teacher.  Can you help me get out of this urinating in public situation? I’ve never been introuble with the law before so I don’t really know if this is something I can handle on my own or if it is time to get a lawyer.


  1. Canu Torrice Law on March 19, 2012 at 10:08 am said:

    I am sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation Mark but you came to the right place here at Canu Torrice Law. In Michigan there is not a specific urinating in public law which is why you were given a ticket for disorderly conduct. Although there are some local municipalities that have ordinances that prohibit urinating in public you will not necessarily be given a ticket for that every time.

    We recommend that you call our office at (586)285-1700 as soon as possible so that you can schedule an appointment and we find out the full details of what happened.

    The attorneys at Canu Torrice Law have many years of experience defending people in criminal matters including those that are similar to the current situation you are in.

    Please contact our office to meet with me or one of the other attorneys for a free consultation. Our consultations are 100% free. We understand this is a very important matter that you want resolved as quickly as possible and we want to help you.

    Canu Torrice Law

  2. trythis on April 28, 2012 at 9:56 pm said:

    I received the same ticket that day. Is your court date Mat 21st?

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