2 months ago lost my Michigan drivers license for my 2nd drunk driving and I am gonna lost my frickin job because I cannot afford taking cabs to work any more and cant rely on the bus, is there anyway possible for one of your suspended license attorneys to get my Michigan drivers license back even as a restricted license for work only??? I know my dui or dwi or owi or whatever drinking and driving cases I caught are bad and all but seriously how does the state expect me to live??? I mean what if I was dying of cancer you mean I couldnt drive myself to the hospital for chemothereapy of cancer treatments even??? You mean I couldnt get any driving priviliges or even a restricted drivers license at all in Michigan even with a good lawyer or law firm? I have read around alots about this and it seems like I am screwed but your law firm seems to be the best lawyers for suspended licenses in Michigan so maybe you have a way to help me out??? PLEASE HELP!
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I can only assume that your license was suspended because of 2 drunk driving/drinking and driving convictions within a 7 year period. This can mean impaired driving/operating while visible impaired (OWVI), drunk driving (OWI/dui/dwi, etc.), in any combination. The only way the Michigan driver’s license restoration and appeal attorneys at Canu Torrice Law can know is if you contact us for a free consultation and obtain a copy of your master driving record with the Michigan Secetary of State.
Get a copy of your driving record, call our office at (586) 285-1700 and ask to speak with one of our Michigan driver’s license lawyers for a free consultation, and we will see what we can do. We have worked miracles before, hopefully we can help you.
Canu Torrice Law
(586) 285-1700