I am a student at Michigan State in East Lansing and have acquired a few traffic tickets in the last two years and was hoping your law firm could help me out. I went to court the first time hoping that the cop would not show up and of course he did and i got no deal at all. I got the full amount of points and fines for making a no right turn on red. I have since had a speeding ticket and a fail to stop ticket and also a ticket for parking in a handicap zone. I do not want my parents to know about this because they help me out with car payments and I dont want them to stop helping me while I am still a college student.
I saw on some earlier blogs that you have have helped MSU students with their cases and I really know I should hire an attorney this time instead of representing myself again. My next court appearance is next week so I am sorry for the short notice but I need help from some experienced lawyers that go to court in East Lansing.
Here at Canu Torrice Law we have years of experience handling cases in East Lansing and representing Michigan State students for traffic violations, MIPs and other drinking offenses. I strongly advise you to not represent yourself again because as you unfortunately found out, you are less likely to receive any sort of plea deal when you represent yourself. Our law firm will work diligently with the city prosecutor to get the best deal possible and limit the amount of points and fines you receive.
Our defense lawyers will need to get a better understanding of your driving record since you do have some past traffic violations. If you schedule a free consultation with one of our criminal defense attorneys we can further discuss this. Your parents do not have to be involved in this at all as our conversations will be 100% completely confidential.
Our attorneys remember what it was like to be a struggling college student and want to help out college students like yourself at Michigan State and others at Michigan colleges by offering affordable legal service and fighting for the rights of young people.
Since your next court appearance is coming up very quickly you need to call our office immediately at (586) 285-1700 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced criminal defense attorneys.
Canu Torrice Law
(586) 285-1700