I was wondering if you guys can help me out with some tickets I got down in Monroe, Michigan. I am a commercial truck driver for a automotive manufacturer and I recently got some tickets, including misdemeanor charges from the Michigan State Police. I was driving my truck got the tickets when i got pulled over at the weigh station in Monroe. The tickets were for overweight/overload, misloading, improper Fees Paid, no UCR Interstate, no IFTA Interstate, Log Book not current, improper plate and now i am facing $1,000s of dollars in fines and I cannot have a criminal history.
I have been a commercial truck driver in Michigan for over 15 years and have never had anyother problems when driving trucks. I have minor criminal history but nothing driving related. My commercial truck driving career is in jeopardy if these charges stick on me and i desperately need some help with these tickets and misdemeanors charges.
Thank you for finding Canu Torrice Law online and for coming to http://www.AllLegalMatters.com for your legal questions. Here at Canu Torrice Law, I have handled numerous situations similar to the one you find yourself in regarding misdemeanor charges for commercial truck driving. In the past I have been able to have many tickets lowered to less serious traffic offenses and in some circumstances I have had some tickets dropped altogether.
I have represented clients in all different types of traffic offenses ranging from speeding tickets to misdemeanor driving charges so we are well-versed in providing commercial truck drivers like yourself a proper defense.
Here at Canu Torrice Law we understand that each and every case presents different circumstances so please schedule a free consultation either by calling (586)285-1700 or by visiting the Canu Torrice Law Offices in Fraser on Utica Road.
Canu Torrice Law