I was recently arrested and then issued a ticket for marijuana possession but I believe it was done unfairly by a cop who was trying to hassle me and thought he was high and mighty. I got pulled over and the cop asked if he could take a look in the car not thinking anything was wrong I said sure. When searched my car he found some marijuana. However I told him I was allowed to have it because I use it for medical reasons. He asked for my marijuana registry card but I did not have one. I had been intending to get a marijuana registry card for some time but i kept not remembering.
My friend was telling me recently that I can fight this marijuana charge because there is some new Michigan marijuana law that says I dont have to have a marijuana registry card. I mean my doctor allows me to get medical marijuana for my aches and pains from my illness and that is the only reason i take marijuana. I have never been in much trouble and i dont want to have a marijuana charge on my record.
PLease tell me how your law firm and attorneys can help me with this marijuana charge?
Here at Canu Torrice Law I have handled many cases involving possession of marijuana charges and specifically possession of marijuana charges involving persons who are allowed to have medical marijuana so you came to the right place at http://www.AllLegalMatters.com for legal help.
In the past we have been able to have these kind of marijuana charges lowered or in some cases dropped depending on the client’s situation. The good news for you is that because of the new Michigan medical marijuana law you do not have to have your medical marijuana registry card on you at the time you have the marijuana in your possession. The Michigan Supreme Court’s first major ruling on the law was handed down recently and they stated that the intent of the law is to permit registered and unregistered medical marijuana patients to assert medical reasons as an affirmative defense in any prosecution involving marijuana. Essentially, this provides a safety net for you and those in similar positions involving a possession of marijuana charge.
At Canu Torrice Law we know each case presents personal and different circumstances so it would be extremely beneficial for you to schedule a free consultation to meet in person or call over the phone at your earliest convenience.
Canu Torrice Law