Drunk and Disorderly/Drunk in Public in Royal Oak, Michigan- Assaulted by Bouncer For No Reason

Home » General » Drunk and Disorderly/Drunk in Public in Royal Oak, Michigan- Assaulted by Bouncer For No Reason

I was in Royal Oak over the weekend at the Royal Oak Music Theater for Beer Fest.  My friends and I knew we would be drinking so we took a cab to Royal Oak and planned on taking a cab home.  After we went to Beer Fest we headed over to a couple different bars.  My friends and I were all together.  One bar we went to refused to serve me but kept serving my friends.  I asked them why they wouldn’t serve me and they told me I was too drunk.  I really wasn’t drunk, so I asked one of my friends who was still being served if he could get me a drink.  He got me a drink and I started to drink it.  We were just hanging out and talking and then all of a sudden I was yanked back by my shoulders by the bouncer.  The bouncer grabbed me by my arm, took my drink and started to force me out of the bar.  He had my arm bent behind my back and it was really starting to hurt me to I tried to rip my arm out of his hand.  I guess he thought I was trying to fight him but really I was just trying to get my arm free because he was hurting me.  He threw me out of the bar on the sidewalk and he threw my head into the ground.  I asked him what the hell he was doing and I kept telling him to calm down because I didn’t do anything.  He told me to shut the f*$% up and he had his arm pressed against my face and my face was pressed against the ground.  Before I knew it I was getting arrested by the Royal Oak Police Department.  I still am not sure why the bouncer assaulted me or hit me but I guess it was cuz my friend bought me a drink after they told me I couldn’t.  But I wasn’t out of control and I wasn’t even driving home and I don’t think I should have been assaulted or beat up like that by the bouncer.  My friends were there and they saw the whole thing.  Now the police are trying to charge me with being drunk and disorderly or drunk in public or something like that.  I have a clean record and I have never been introuble of any kind before in my life.  Is that a criminal charge?  I guess I just wanna know if I can keep my record clean, since I wasn’t drunk or acting crazy or out of control and then also if there is something I can do about that bouncer.  Can I sue the bouncer or start a lawsuit or something?  I have a black eye now and I work in an office job and it is just kind of emberassing.  I’m really upset.  Is there anything I can do?


  1. Canu Torrice Law on February 5, 2012 at 10:47 pm said:

    Any establishment that serves alcohol has the ability to make a judgment call and determine whether or not a patron should be cut off. In fact, a bar or restaurant might find themselves in legal trouble if they continue to serve an individual who is clearly intoxicated. Therefore, whatever bar you were at in Royal Oak did have the right to cut off your alcohol consumption, regardless of whether you were actually intoxicated. However, what the bouncer at the establishment DID NOT have the right to do was to needlessly and unnecessarily assault you. I would ask that you make an appointment immediately and meet with one of the attorneys at Canu Torrice Law. It is important that we get involved while there may still be surveillance footage available as well as witnesses who clearly remember the incident. We have handled numerous cases in the past that involved bouncers and security guards at bars or clubs using their position of power and authority to bully and assault customers. Speaking from experience, it is important that you make an appointment to meet with us for a free consultation as soon as possible. We will discuss your options at that time.

    In reference to your drunk and disorderly offense, we can handle that matter also. It is important since you have a clean record to keep it that way. It sounds like your potential civil suit as well as your drunk and disorderly offense are related to one another. When you come in and meet with us, we will make sure we file an Appearance on your behalf with the Royal Oak District Court and get that off your record. Since the job market is so competitive right now, is is critical to keep your record clean so that you remain attractive to any future employers.

    I cannot stress to you how important it is that you come in and meet with us immediately, as this is a time sensitive matter.

    Canu Torrice Law
    Call 24 Hours a Day for a Free Consultation
    (586) 285-1700

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